Shabbat Mornings
We gather every Shabbat morning at 9:30am for services full of soulful music, engaging learning, traditional prayer, and innovative spiritual experiences. Shabbat at CBI feels like a weekly family reunion - full of familiar faces and new people to meet. Kids run and play out in the courtyard and friends gather in the lobby for a cup of coffee or tea. After services each week we linger over a relaxed Kiddush lunch, always free and open to the whole community.
Come early, and participate in our lively Parashat HaShavuah discussion of the weekly Torah portion, beginning at 8:30am.
In addition, make sure to also check out these special Shabbat programs:
- 1st Saturdays: University Park Minyan offers an informal, family-friendly Shabbat AM experience offsite, followed by a potluck lunch. To get on the email list contact the Office.
- 3rd Saturdays: For those with kids, check out Bite Size Shabbat Morning for our littlest CBIers (0-6) and Jr. Congregation with Carl Cedar for an engaging prayer and learning experience for our elementary aged kids. Jr Congregation starts at 10:30am and Bite Size starts at 11:15am.
- 4th Saturdays: Prayersong, an hour of contemplative singing with Cantor Amy from 9:30-10:30am.
Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785