President: Jacob Green
Executive VP: Nonna Snider
Secretary: Jason Feld
Treasurer: Robert De Leon
Financial VP: Marshall Margolis
Past President: Phyllis Abrams
Ways and Means: Daveen Meyers and Becky Bridger
Social Action: Paul Madick and Rhea Coblentz
Ritual : David Malmon and Ilene Zedek
Youth: Sheri Bilewitz and Yaron Shaham
Membership: Susan Mattisinko and Christine Groner
Housing: Mark Cross and Bruce Gale
Education: Dan Sidney and Jamie Arnoldi
Marketing: Daniella Orihuela-Gruber and Rachel Neuhausen
CDC: Shira Wolf and Shayna Kurland
General Board Members: Perry Bridger, Naomi Glasky, Heather Katz, Mark Meyers, Steve Sommer, Michelle Blum, Peter Abramowitz, and Jeff David.
Women’s Club: Anne Mazer and Rachel Greenberg-Goldstein
Men’s Club: Al Cohen
USY: Ari Bilewitz
CBI 2024 Board Portal Click Here
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